Microsol is an aerosol technology startup dedicated to accelerating and advancing the development of orally inhaled and nasal drug products.
Novel therapies, increasing disease burdens, and regulatory changes demand new and effective orally inhaled and nasal drug products to be developed at pace. At Microsol, we provide new technologies for your development process and offer innovative routes to formulation technology solutions.
Welcome to Microsol, where innovation meets precision in respiratory drug delivery.
We combine cutting edge measurement capabilities with advanced predictive simulations to modulate aerosol dynamics and optimise formulation performance. Through our highly scalable software solutions, we provide computational screening of formulations, increasing throughput and allowing laboratory studies to focus on the most promising candidates. Our technology also enables superior performing products to be delivered rapidly, and at reduced cost.
Our technologies are applicable for all formulation types and inhaled drug delivery devices. Join us on our journey to redefine the future of respiratory medicine and improve patient outcomes through innovative drug delivery solutions. Contact us today to find out how we can enhance and expedite your inhaled drug development.
Our Mission:
To transform inhaled formulation development into a digitally driven process, enabled by high-precision aerosol measurement technologies.
Our Core Team:
Dr Dan Hardy
Dr Allen Haddrell
Head of R&D
Victoria Legh-Land
Computational Pharmaceutics Lead
Our Advisory Team:
Professor Darragh Murnane
Scientific Advisor
Professor Jonathan Reid
Scientific Advisor
Dr Jim Walker
Technology Advisor
Mark Sanders
Commercial Advisor